ARAS Novae Program

Nova Sgr 2023

RA (2000): 17 56 27.87

DEC (2000): -17 14 54.8

V (mag): MagnitudeV


Number of spectra: 6

First spectrum: 2023-02-20

Last spectrum: 2023-02-25

send spectra to francoismathieu.teyssier [at] & arasdatabase [at]

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Date Time (UT) JD 24.. Observer Site Resolution
λmin λmax
File Preview Comments
2023-02-20 16:44 59996.197 HBA SEA-NZ 763 4176 8349
2023-02-21 03:47 59996.658 SOL AQL-IT 490 4007 7092
2023-02-21 16:54 59997.204 HBA SEA-NZ 758 4199 8354
2023-02-23 18:18 59999.263 VLZ SSO-AU 1223 4399 6438
2023-02-24 18:10 60000.257 VLZ SSO-AU 1203 4389 6425
2023-02-25 18:16 60001.262 VLZ SSO-AU 1202 4390 6425