ARAS Novae Program

Nova Sgr 2020c

GCVS Name: V6568 Sgr

Discovery Name: PNV J17580848-3005376

RA (2000): 17 58 08.48

DEC (2000): -30 05 37.6

Number of spectra: 6

First spectrum: 2020-07-19

Last spectrum: 2020-07-29

send spectra to francoismathieu.teyssier [at] & arasdatabase [at]

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Date Time (UT) JD 24.. Observer Site Resolution
λmin λmax
File Preview Comments
2020-07-19 11:32 59049.981 BHQ ARM-AU 3876 5977 6894
2020-07-19 12:54 59050.038 BHQ ARM-AU 1794 3800 8000
2020-07-19 22:06 59050.421 BUI ANT-FR 11000 4753 7581
2020-07-20 04:27 59050.686 KSH CAR-US 1000 4000 7300
2020-07-21 11:41 59051.987 BHQ ARM-AU 1677 3800 8000
2020-07-29 10:52 59059.953 BHQ ARM-AU 1708 4000 8000