ARAS Novae Program

Nova Sgr 2015c

GCVS Name: V5669 Sgr

Discovery Name: PNV J18033275-2816054

RA (2000): 18 03 32.75

DEC (2000): -28 16 05.4

Number of spectra: 6

First spectrum: 2015-09-29

Last spectrum: 2015-10-07

send spectra to francoismathieu.teyssier [at] & arasdatabase [at]

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Date Time (UT) JD 24.. Observer Site Resolution
λmin λmax
File Preview Comments
2015-09-29 11:31 57294.980 BHQ ARM-AU 1532 3800 7251
2015-09-29 19:12 57295.300 OGA OTO-FR 11000 6486 6693
2015-09-30 18:54 57296.288 OGA OTO-FR 11000 6486 6693
2015-10-05 10:26 57300.935 BHQ ARM-AU 1388 3800 7251
2015-10-05 18:24 57301.267 SOL AQL-IT 500 3800 7360
2015-10-07 18:25 57303.268 SOL AQL-IT 1039 3800 7360