ARAS Novae Program

AT 2024epj

RA (2000): 04 05 03.76

DEC (2000): -65 55 57.18

V (mag): MagnitudeV


Number of spectra: 6

First spectrum: 2024-03-20

Last spectrum: 2024-03-23

send spectra to francoismathieu.teyssier [at] & arasdatabase [at]

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Date Time (UT) JD 24.. Observer Site Resolution
λmin λmax
File Preview Comments
2024-03-20 01:58 60389.582 2SPOT DSC-CL 11000 3847 7617
2024-03-20 09:04 60389.878 TLO SEA-NZ 631 3800 8000
2024-03-20 11:24 60389.975 VLZ SSO-AU 2774 5986 6860
2024-03-21 09:45 60390.906 TLO SEA-NZ 627 3800 8000
2024-03-23 01:54 60392.579 2SPOT DSC-CL 543 3602 7810
2024-03-23 09:59 60392.916 TLO SEA-NZ 619 3800 8000